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ONE Story - Enroot

Hello Friends,

It’s The One By One Project here again with our "Community Stories Series- Part Two" in support of our ongoing ONE WEEK Summer Fundraiser Challenge. This short video stars ENROOT! Based in Cambridge, MA, this amazing organization empowers immigrant youth to achieve academic and career success through mentoring and out-of-school experiences.

Please take a two-minute time-out (refill your coffee, take a quick stretch) to listen to Rose Francois, Executive Director at Enroot, and Brayln Beathea, Director of College Success and Alumni Engagement. Rose and Bralyn talk about the importance of local trust-based giving and share front-line experiences of how The One By One Project helps to provide a safety net for Enroot students who face financial crises such as food and housing insecurity.

Rose Francois, Executive Director -

Brayln Beathea, Director of College Success and Alumni Engagement -

How can you help?

Please DONATE!! If we add 100 donors during our one-week Summer Fundraiser Challenge, June 20-27th, we will unlock a $30,000 donation from a local donor! Donations of any size help us meet our goal.

Please visit our fundraising wall and leave us a note, a love letter, a funny joke, and/or just DONATE!

Thank you!!

With Gratitude,

Pam and Steve Rosenberg


The One By One Project

100% of all donated funds are passed back into the Greater Boston community we support. No donor funds are used for administrative or overhead expenses.

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