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It's HOT but we need your help

Hello Friends and Supporters,

It's so hot, and being motivated to do anything extra is hard. We feel it too. But we are reaching out to ask if you could please find a shady spot to take a moment to consider supporting our fundraiser. We are less than halfway to our $10,000 match goal and are asking for your help to cross the finish line this week! We have a pretty big hill left to climb- even in this heat.

Are you curious about the direct impact of your funds?

Spotlight on Giving:  A Fresh Start with a New Refrigerator

We recently received a request for help for a single mom of three children who are disabled.  The family recently moved to a new apartment, fleeing domestic violence. Their new landlord did not provide a working refrigerator, making it challenging for mom to provide meals for the family. Having recently started a new job, she used all her funds to stay afloat with bills and caring for her children. The One by One Project purchased a refrigerator for her family within 24 hours of receiving the request from our partner.

Your contribution will have a tangible and immediate impact. 100% of donated funds are passed directly back into the Greater Boston community to address urgent needs like these.

We need your help to reach our goal. Please donate and/or help us spread the word!

Thank you for your continued support and generosity. 


With Gratitude,

Pam and Steve Rosenberg


The One By One Project

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