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Help a neighbor. One By One.

Summer fundraiser- We need your help!

Thanks to a generous supporter of The One By One Project, the first $15,000 in donations will be matched dollar-for-dollar!

Families in Greater Boston face the challenge of making basic ends meet. We partner with local nonprofits to help families avoid eviction, keep the heat and lights on, pay for food and medical bills, and get to work.

Greater Boston has over 30,000 nonprofits doing critical work. As frontline workers, they see all the needs of families and communities, not just the needs they serve. But often their funding is restricted, and their staff are stretched too thin to connect families to resources or apply for time-consuming grants.

Our approach is simple, fast, and trust-based. We partner with over 40 local nonprofits to address funding gaps in urgent areas such as housing insecurity, utility support, food insecurity, and transportation. We believe that our nonprofit partners are closest to the families and communities they support and are best positioned to find solutions.

We pay urgent bills for families in Greater Boston within 24-48 hours.

In our first two years of operation, the One By One Project has already helped over 500 families and neighbors.

We need your help to continue to support the ever-growing demand.

Please support our summer fundraiser by donating today. Every dollar helps.

Requests we have filled in the past month alone include:

  • $300 helps with food insecurity by providing a grocery gift card to keep kids fed and healthy.

  • $600 (Our average request size) helps us put a car back on the road so a mom can get her kids to preschool and herself to work.

  • $1000 helps to keep the lights and heat and avoid a utility shut-off.

  • $1500 helps a family to avoid eviction and remain housed.

Learn more about our mission and approach at

Questions or ideas? We’d love to hear them. Connect with Pam Rosenberg, Co-Founder, and President, at

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