@TheHeart Giving News
It was a record-breaking summer for The One By One Project. From June through August, we filled 91 requests, representing over $51,000 in direct support to local families in need. Each request we fulfilled averaged around $560, providing urgent financial assistance to households throughout Greater Boston.
Here’s a breakdown of our top 2024 categories of funding from June-August:
Housing Support: $20,000
Transportation and Car Repairs: $8,300
Utility Payments: $7,000
Children’s Clothing and Supplies: $6,000
Food Insecurity: $3,300
Essential Home Supplies: $3,000

We’ll provide a more detailed update about our busy summer and upcoming endeavors in our fall newsletter, but we wanted to give the @TheHeart Circle an early look at the intensity of need we saw this summer in Greater Boston. Your support has been critical to our ability to fund the ever-increasing number of requests we receive nearly every day.
Additionally, due to the success of the launch of @TheHeart, we’re thrilled to announce that we’ll soon be partnering with another Greater Boston non-profit. This will extend our ability to provide assistance and fill some of the strategic gaps in our coverage. Stay tuned for the official announcement!
Thank you for your generosity and support. This work wouldn’t be possible without you. If you’d like to discuss our work in more detail, I welcome the opportunity to chat over coffee, cookies, or via Zoom. Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions or feedback.
With Gratitude,
Pam Rosenberg
Co-Founder and President, The One by One Project